If you are a mom with ADHD or have kids with the same condition, you probably know how challenging it is to keep up with schedules and appointments. Believe it or not, it’s not entirely your fault. Time is a social construct that humans use to understand and organize their surroundings. Many cultures around the world have their calendars, each with their unique way of measuring time. This blog post will explore the history of the Gregorian calendar, why the New Year begins in the Spring, and why it doesn’t matter much.
The Gregorian calendar we use today is named after the man behind the update, Pope Gregory XIII. He changed the calendar because the Julian calendar, which was used at the time, had an error. The Julian calendar overestimated the length of a solar year by 11 ½ minutes. Over time, this error accumulates, making the seasons shift. So the new calendar had to correct the problem and align itself with the seasons. Ten days were removed from the year to make the adjustment, and the New Year was shifted to January 1st.

The New Year marks the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. However, why does it have to be January 1st? As previously stated, the Spring Equinox is a significant event when everything comes back to life. The idea behind the new year in Spring was to celebrate the rebirth of nature. It symbolizes new beginnings and starting fresh. Pairing the new year with the Spring Equinox is poetic but only a social construct. In reality, nothing significant happens on January 1st itself.
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The world is diverse, and cultures all over have calendars. Some calendars measure days by the lunar cycle, while others measure them by the solar cycle. Some have 12 months, and others have 13. For example, the Hijri calendar, which is used in Muslim countries, is lunar. It has 12 months and is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The Jewish calendar is also a lunar calendar but has an extra month every few years to make it align with the solar cycle.
If you have ADHD, keeping up with time can be challenging. It would help if you didn’t beat yourself up for it. Time is a social construct, and there are no set rules. You can create your calendar and have your way of measuring time. If you need more time to feel productive at 9 a.m., do your work at 10 a.m. If you’re not a morning person, don’t force yourself to wake up at 5 a.m. Time is less crucial than it seems.
Remember there are no set rules!
Time is a social construct that humans use to organize their surroundings. Today’s Gregorian calendar was implemented to correct an error in the Julian calendar. The new year begins in Spring because of the numerous significances that come with the season. However, it’s not set in stone; cultures worldwide have calendars. If you or someone you know is affected by ADHD, it’s vital to remember that time doesn’t have to be a constraint. You can create your calendar and have your way of measuring time. Time is less crucial than it seems.