Decluttering Your Life
One Quest At A Time

Resources for Women Walking through the
Daily Saga of living with ADHD/Autism

What Type of Hoarder Are You? Take the Quiz Today



A Raven has a deep love for all things shiny. Ravens know all the latest trends and how to make the shiny things work for them.

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”

~ Marilyn Monroe

Crabs are shown to be the planners of their families, the one who has all the things everyone needs through any disaster. 

“Survival is not about being fearless. It’s about making a decision, getting on and doing it.” — Bear Grylls



Dragons have a sentimental heart and a deep love for knowledge. Dragons hang on to things that mean so much to them.

“Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back.” — Criss Jami

What's In It For Me

Welcome; I am so pleased that you stopped by.

We are a community that helps you cultivate a passionate, purposeful life.

Come and experience a community of support and empowerment tailored specifically for women with ADHD as we journey through the daily challenges that come with it. Our resources are here to help you thrive, not just survive, and we are excited to have you join us on this adventure. Let’s tackle ADHD together with compassion, resilience, and a whole lot of humor.

Our mission is to help you find and live your unique calling. Whether you want to start your own business, find a new job, or create the life you know you were created to live, we have something for you. 

So join us today, and let us show you how to become the queen of your life!

Body Doubling With Terra Lewis-Smith

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Looking for a tool that will make your daily to-do lists more exciting? Look no further than the Theme Day Planner! This amazing little helper will not only make your life easier, but it will also add a dash of creativity to your routine. With its beautiful and well-made planners, you can organize your days in an inspiring and effective way. So why give the Theme Day Planner a try? I promise you will not be disappointed!
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Struggling with forgetfulness? Don't worry; you're not alone! Planning your days around fun themes is a great way to stay organized while getting creative. With this easy-to-use method of organization that produces beautiful results, even those living with ADHD can easily keep track of appointments without missing anything important - making life just a little bit brighter!
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Have you heard of body-doubling zoom calls? Trust me, they've been a game changer for me. It's like having a supportive partner in crime that shows up whenever you need them. Not only has it helped me tackle tasks like cleaning out my cluttered closet, but it's also given me the push to start writing. Working alongside someone else, even virtually, has effectively boosted my productivity. So if you're struggling to get things done on your own or need extra motivation, try body-doubling zoom calls. You won't be disappointed!

Do you want to avoid feeling stuck and unproductive? Look no further than Body Doubling Zoom Calls! Join a group of incredible women once a month on Zoom to crush your to-do lists and accomplish your goals. So say goodbye to distraction and hello to endless motivation and support. Let’s get stuff done together!


Imagine waking up every day excited and motivated to tackle your goals. No more feeling draggy or uninspired. Introducing the ultimate solution – Fun Days! By injecting some delightful themes into your day-to-day, you’ll easily flood your brain with happy chemicals and power through your to-do list. Achieving your dreams has never been so enjoyable! So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start living your best life.