Having A Hunter Soul Living In A Farmers World
As women and mothers, we are incredibly resilient bodies of stardust. We know what it takes to push through challenges and overcome obstacles that come our way. But have you ever stopped to think about where that strength comes from? It’s time to tap back into our roots and explore our inner hunter-gatherer!
One thing hunter-gatherers did better than anyone else was to adapt to their environment. From the harsh terrain to the ever-changing seasons, they could always pivot their strategies to find food and shelter. So likewise, as modern moms, we must learn to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. We must be flexible enough to adjust and make the most of whatever situation we find ourselves in.
Routines & Spontaneity
One thing hunter-gatherers did better than anyone else was to adapt to their environment. Even though they moved around a lot for survival, they still had a routine for their day-to-day life. And they also had to be spontaneous when they needed to be. From the harsh terrain to the ever-changing seasons, they could always pivot their strategies to find food and shelter. So likewise, as modern moms, we must learn to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. We must be flexible enough to adjust and make the most of whatever situation we find ourselves in. All the while still maintaining a simple routine for our everyday lives.
Asking For Help
I know this can be one of the most difficult things we must do. Hunter-gatherers relied on their community to survive. They understood that they could not do everything alone and sometimes needed to rely on others to get by.
This idea that we must do everything independently, having a clean house, a picture-perfect house, and Instagram-worthy kids, has existed since the 1950s. Before this time, multi-generational families all lived together. Everyone had chores that they did, and everyone chipped into stuff done. We were meant to do it with others.
We need a strong support system, whether it be family, friends, or other moms who understand our struggles. We must learn to ask for help when we need it and accept it graciously.
You can do this; our ancestors knew this was the key to survival.
Taking Risks
In this farming world, taking risks has been seen as something we are supposed to do in the “normal” world. Playing it safe has been drilled into us from an early age. Failure is taught as being the opposite of success.
However, Hunter-gatherers always pushed boundaries and took risks to find new territories and resources.
As moms, we must tap into that fearlessness and take risks when necessary. Whether it’s trying new things with our ADHD kids or stepping outside of our comfort zones, we need to approach challenges with a bold and daring attitude.
Building Strong Relationships
Just like asking for help, having close relationships is extremely important.
We are not meant to do this life alone.
Hunter-gatherers knew the importance of building strong relationships with others. They relied on their tribe to support them physically and emotionally. As moms, we must build strong relationships with our children and partners. We need to create a safe and loving environment where everyone feels supported and cared for.
Go and talk with your neighbors, and join a group you are interested in.
Of course, the church is always a great start, but so are gardening and genealogy groups in your area.
Join meetings in person and start connecting with people who share the same interests as you.
Practicing Mindfulness
Hunter-gatherers were incredibly mindful of their surroundings.
One of the biggest misconceptions about ADHD is that we lack focus. The thing is, we pay attention to everything.
Our ancestors paid attention to everything from the changing seasons to the tracks left by the animals they were hunting.
As moms, we think about everything; we think about what we need to do and what our kids are doing.
We think about what we did yesterday and what we must do tomorrow.
We need to be present at the moment and take in the world around us.
This is why creating Theme Days is so important to stay in the present moment and start actually getting stuff done.

Get in touch with our hunter side!
Living in a farming world can seem difficult, but we can find ways to make our lives easier.
Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had much to teach us about resilience, courage, and community. As moms, we need to tap into those qualities and remember we are fierce and fearless. By embracing routines and spontaneity, build a strong support system, take risks, build strong relationships, and practice mindfulness, we can unlock our inner hunter-gatherers and live our lives with boldness and strength. So let’s channel our ancestors and get in touch with our hunter side!

Remember, There are No Missing Pieces.
P.S. If you would like more help in creating your own Theme Days check out our Theme Days Guide Book
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