
Question for you what if this whole time you just grew up in the wrong school of life?

And really there is nothing wrong with you?

Yep, what if I told you there was nothing wrong with you?

What if I told you that there was no missing piece…?

There is no mystical secret that everyone else knows but you…

There are no magic beans that was given to everyone but …

What if you were just living the in the wrong school of life?

A while back, while playing in the park with my boys I had a totally AH HA moment that changed everything for me.  Everything that I had been chasing, everything that I thought I was missing and couldn’t figure out why just fell away…

It just floated away on the warm breeze

There was nothing wrong with ME!!!

It was life changing!!

And if you too have long ‘believed’ in and you know deep down that your mind creates EVERYTHING, but yet for some reason you find you still can’t seem to completely make it WORK, then I’m goanna let you know that THIS?

It is going to blow your beautiful mind.

Are you ready for this?? It’s simple … like totally simple however, the most powerful and transformative things always are!!

And I can tell you that when it comes to getting the life that you really want… or really to receiving / allowing in ANYTHING in your life … it’s going to make things so. SIMPLE. so… unbelievably simple…

Not to mention obvious!
So, let’s imagine

EVERY single person of influence you have ever encountered in your life has taught you HOW LIFE WORKS, The lesson is what you think about, what you desire or choose, you see it in your head, and that is where reality comes from..

It was just fact.
How life works.

And yet you are still in the same place… you haven’t moved forward on your dreams and your goals come and go with each passing year.

Because that is all you ever knew. 

Can you imagine, who you’d be right now, if you ALWAYS KNEW AS FACT, the stuff you’re so desperately trying to MAKE yourself believe, then somehow act upon, and create from?

Can you imagine what would be different in YOUR life, right now, if you too had ALWAYS thought this way??

So much!

And here’s the thing –
If you can imagine it –
You CAN create it


That is the Truth
But here is the BIG but:

The MOST treacherous downside of trying to learn how to manifest, or trying to change your beliefs. Trying to ‘be that person’ who you’d be if you’d always thought this way –

You’re trying to DO manifestation.
You’re trying to ACCOMPLISH belief changing.
You’re looking for a step-by-step for something that, inherently, refutes the need for step-by-step, and which, BY DEFINITION, is about ‘there is not how!’

If you think about it –

The thing is all the Doing…

All of the beliefs that you are trying to change

All the step-by-steps.

Or even the NON steps by steps


Then you have come to the right place.

Because if you have tried all the things

And you feel like you are working so hard, but you haven’t accomplished anything…

If you have started over so many times you have lost count…

Then you are in the right place…

You are about find out why…

You are about to find why all of the “things” that you are told to do…

And even all the things that you were told not to do…


Because I am about to tell you the biggest secret that you have heard so many times in the Self-Help area…


Yep you hear that right….

How many times in your life have heard that PROCRASTINATION or PERFECTISIM is just FEAR?  You are afraid to move forward and that if you just change your mindset that you will then get everything you want out life…

If you are just consentient and do all the things…

Then you will get all things you want out life…

However, this is not true for someone who’s thinks differently…

A person who thinks really outside of the box, these steps really don’t work for us…

Even when doing all the things and doing not the things… it leaves us exhausted and still in the same place year after year after year…

This is the answer you are looking for…

This is the answer that you have been looking when you keep going from one self-help book or coach…

I too think different and see things different than the norm…  and I have spent years and years and more years wondering what was wrong with me…

Why I could not do the things that seem so basic to everyone else. Why no matter how many goals I set I never got anywhere.  Why no matter how much I told myself.


For years this went on and on…

Only to find out why all things that I would start out doing feeling this was right thing for me because it worked for everyone else…

Was because I have ADHD…

I set out 3 years ago to write a book about how to Become the Queen of Your Life, to write a book on how to figure it all out. and all you have to do is change your mindset…

I read all the books…

Think and Grow Rich

Battle of the Mind

The Morning Routine

The 4-hour work week

7 Habits of an Effective Life

You’re A Badass

It’s Not Supposed to Be this Way

Becoming the Woman God wanted you to Be…

I could go on and on really…

Because I do have a long list

And after all of that I was exhausted.

And still not living my dream…

Until I found out I don’t think like everyone else.

You have no idea how much of a relief that was.

It was like a weight was lifted off me.

God lifted the vail and showed me the path that I have been wanting to take for so long.  The path that I knew was out there I was just looking in the wrong direction.

So, if you feel like you have been looking in the wrong direction or have been looking and searching for something that will give you the answers you are looking for.  Then I do believe that God sent you here.

He sent you to seek what is already inside of you all you need to do is to follow your soul…

Because You are the Queen of Your Life and this website will be filled with tips and strategies to help you find that path and move you into the life that You know God created for you.

This will be a safe place for you to learn how to do all things that you want to do in life but feel stuck on how to get there.

How to create your Soul, Your Body and your Home into the Kingdom you know it can be…




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